Japanese Forest Girl Makeup森ガールメイク


Japanese “Forest” girls or “Mori” girls are something of a trend which has been going on for years. From early teens to late 30s and 40s, this style has been somewhat been there all along changing gradually between the years but still staying the same. This time High School Japanese Girl Moma will show you how it is done in her generation. 日本風森ガール、見せます
0:24 concealer/コンシーラー
0:53 foundation/ファンデーション
1:42 eye bags涙袋
2:21 eye shadowアイシャドー
4:59 eyeliner アイライナー
5:43 eyelashes まつ毛
6:10 eyelash baseまつ毛下地
6:49 mascara-how to use mirror マスカラ/鏡の使い方
7:11 shadow/シェイディング
8:46 lipstick/リップ
9:01 double lipstick/重ねリップ
9:29 Today’s style/今日のコーデ
10:13 Final /完成

Kawaii Pateen has been showing you Harajuku/Shibuya style makeup for more than 6years now! We are very low funded now so we aren’t able to show you daily videos as we used to , but we will keep trying. Donations very welcome to keep the channel going!
Paypal: kawaiipateen@gmail.com

■Produced by WAO AGENCY